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Edit AI:
 Note that Cloning a Wrestler actually keeps the AI of the Wrestler the same.

Style: 811502AC 000?
This sets the general style of your wrestler.
Replace ? with:-

0: Power - This causes your wrestler to use more grapples and using his strength to win matches. Grapple favourites are used more often.

1: Technique - This is more concentrated on body parts and submission moves, will use submission favourites more often.

2: Flying - This concentrates on flying moves, including springboard moves, etc. Will use flying favourites more often.

3: Rough - This is a more hardcore style, will often throw people out of the ring, will use striking moves and fight on the outside of the ring.

4: Single-Minded - Concentrates on trying to win the match, but will try to mix styles, this can lead to inconsisten peformances if your wrestler is not good enough.

5: Striking - Uses various punches and kicks, will use striking favourites more often.

Early to:-
Stand: 811502AE 000?
Ground: 811502B0 000?
Replace ? with

These set the types of moves that are used early in the match, when your opponents health is high and he is not dazed.

0: Striking - Uses punches, kicks and other striking moves.

1: Grappling - Uses mainly grapples.

2: Flying - Uses Flying moves, including top rope and springboard moves.

Finish to Stand: 811502B2 00??
Finishing Move used when special is flashing and opponent is standing
Replace ?? with:-

46: Front Special
51: Back Special
5E: Irish Whip Special
80: Front Turnbuckle Special
8A: Back Turnbuckle Special

Late to:-
Stand: 811502B4 000?
Ground: 811502B6 000?
Replace ? with

These are the types of moves that are used later in the match, when your opponents health is low and he is dazed.

0: Striking - Uses elbow drops, etc.

1: Submission - Uses mainly submission moves, includes moves such as cluthching punch.

2: Flying - Uses Flying moves, including top rope and springboard moves.

3: Pick Up - Picks your opponent up.

Finish to Ground: 811502B8 ????
Finishing Move used when Special is flashing and opponent is on the ground.
Replace ???? with:-

009B - Upper Body, Facing Up Special Submission.
009C - Upper Body, Facing Down Special Submission
009D - Lower Body, Facing Up Special Submission
009E - Lower Body, Facing Down Special Submission
0106 - Fly to Ground Special

Attacking: 811502BA 000?
This sets the style balance of your wrestler between grappling and striking moves. Replace ? with:-

For each value to replace ?, there is a grappling and a striking rating, the higher the number, the more likely they are to use that type of move.

0: Striking - 5, Grappling - 1
1: Striking - 4, Grappling - 2
2: Striking - 3, Grappling - 3
3: Striking - 2, Grappling - 4
4: Striking - 1, Grappling - 5

Response to Striking: 811502BC 000?
This is how good your wrestler is at reversing your opponents striking moves.
Replace ? with:-

0: Good
1: Normal
2: Bad

Response to Grappling: 811502BE 000?
This is how good your wrestler is at reversing your opponents attempts to grapple you.
Replace ? with:-

0: Good
1: Normal
2: Bad

Balance: 811502C0 000?
This sets the balance of your wrestler between attacking and defending.
Replace ? with:-

0: Aggresive - Your wrestler is constantly attacking and rarely bothers about defending. Good if your responses are poor, as this wrestler doesn't bother with reversing moves too much, however if you do take a beating, it is unlikely you will comeback. Useful if your endurance is weak. Requires good strength.

1: Attacking - Your wrestler attacks heavily, and doesn't defend too much, good reversal skills are not essential. Helps to have a good decent strength.

2: Balanced - Balanced between attacking and defending, requires everything to be at least average.

3: Defensive - Your wrestler waits for your opponent to attack then attempt to reverse, then attacks while your opponent is not able to respond, you will often take a beating, so it requires good endurance, you will often make comebacks. Requires good responses.

4: Super Defensive - Your wrestler sits back and waits for your opponent to attack, will not attack to often when your opponent is active. Will reverse a lot of your opponents moves, you will also take quite a lot of beatings. Requires Good Endurance and Superb Responses.

Ring Out: 81150C2 000?
This is what your wrestler does when he is outside of the ring, or if your opponent is outside the ring.
Replace ? with:-

0: Nothing - Will get back in quickly, will rarely leave the ring to fight. Won't get weapons

1: Little - Will sometimes hang about on the outside, won't usually climb out to fight, will rarely get a weapon.

2: Rough - Will usually fight on the outside, will sometimes throw his opponent out of the ring, will usually grab a weapon and use it.

3: Hardcore - Will always fight on the outside, will often throw people out of the ring, will often grab a weapon and use it.

4: Flying - Will try to use flying to outside move to his opponent, if on the outside, will get back in to either continue the match or to attempt a flying move.

Taunt: 81150C4 000?
This is how often your wrestler will taunt his opponent.
Replace ? with:-

0: Often - Will taunt whenever he can, but this can lead to him not using enough moves.

1: Normal - Will taunt occassionaly, but will use more moves that on often, but will get less easy spirit gains.

2: Rarely - Will only taunt to obtain a special, but will always use moves, but this means he won't get any easy spirit gains.

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